26 May 2024

Regular legislative session through May 26, 2024

THIS WEEK FOR THE GOOD: HB 8 was sent to the governor; HB 46 passed the Senate; HB 48 passed the Senate; HB 103 with minor amendment passed the Senate; HB 114 passed Senate committee; HB 122 passed the Senate; HB 188 was sent to the governor; HB 303 passed the Senate; HB 383 with minor amendment passed the Senate; HB 476 was sent to the governor; HB 506 with minor amendment passed Senate committee; HB 515 was sent to the governor; HB 581 with minor amendment passed Senate committee; HB 596 with minor amendment passed the Senate; HB 644 with minor amendment passed the Senate; HB 716 was concurred in; HB 737 passed the Senate; HB 763 passed the Senate; HB 906 with minor amendment passed Senate committee and with minor amendment passed the Senate; SB 908 passed the Senate; HB 933 with minor amendment passed Senate committee; HB 976 with minor amendment passed Senate committee; SB 13 passed the House; SB 101 was concurred in and sent to the governor; SB 155 with minor amendment passed the House; SB 195 passed the House; SB 208 with minor amendment passed the House; SB 218 with minor amendment passed the House and was concurred in; SB 226 was concurred in and sent to the governor; SB 234 with minor amendment passed House committee and passed the House; SB 262 passed the House; SB 276 with major amendment passed the House and was concurred in; SB 294 with minor amendment passed the House; SB 313 with minor amendment passed House committee; SB 350 passed the House; SB 355 was rejected by the Senate and sent to conference; SB 357 with minor amendment passed the House; SB 388 with minor amendment passed the House; SB 420 passed the House; SB 436 passed the House; SB 446 was signed by the governor; SB 449 passed the House; SB 466 with minor amendment passed the House.

THIS WEEK FOR THE BAD: HB 95 was sent to the governor; HB 165 passed the Senate; HB 391 with minor amendment passed the Senate; HB 740 passed the Senate; HB 978 failed to pass the House; SB 30 with minor amendment passed the House.


Total number of bills, House: 982; total number of bills, Senate: 509.


Total number of good bills, House: 83; total number of good bills, Senate: 51.


Total number of bad bills, House: 37; total number of bad bills, Senate: 15.


Total House good bills heard in House committee: 65; total Senate good bills heard in Senate committee: 39.


Total House bad bills heard in House committee: 28; total Senate bad bills heard in Senate committee: 14.


Total House good bills approved by House committee: 51; total Senate good bills passed by Senate committee: 34.


Total House bad bills approved by House committee: 11; total Senate bad bills passed by Senate committee: 6.


Total House good bills approved by House: 43; total Senate good bills approved by Senate: 32.


Total House bad bills approved by House: 5; total Senate bad bills approved by Senate: 5.


Total House good bills heard in Senate committee: 40; total Senate good bills heard in House committee: 32.


Total House bad bills heard in Senate committee: 5; total Senate bad bills heard in House committee: 4.


Total House good bills approved by Senate committee: 30; total Senate good bills approved by House committee: 31.


Total House bad bills approved by Senate committee: 5; total Senate bad bills approved by House committee: 2.


Total House good bills approved by Senate: 23; total Senate good bills approved by House: 28.


Total House bad bills approved by Senate: 4; total Senate bad bills approved by House: 2.


Total House good bills going to governor: 6; total Senate good bills going to governor: 12.


Total House bad bills going to governor: 1; total Senate bad bills going to governor: 1.


Total House good bills signed by governor/filed with Secretary of State: 2; total Senate good bills signed by governor/filed with Secretary of State: 5.


Total House bad bills signed by governor/filed with Secretary of State: 0; total Senate bad bills signed by governor/filed with Secretary of State: 1.

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