Welcome to coverage of the 2022 Regular Legislative
Session of the Louisiana Legislature, with the good, bad and ugly bills that
have been prefiled (although for this year, the ugly have been lumped in with
the bad).
THE GOOD: HB 12 by Rep.
Larry Frieman would establish a more balanced process for terminating emergency
declarations; HB
25 by Rep. Danny McCormick prohibits retirement systems from investing with
firms that practice viewpoint discrimination (similar bills: HB 141, HB 273, HB
342, HB 474); HB
29 by Rep. Richard Nelson would amend the Constitution to steer more nonrecurring
revenues towards reducing unfunded accrued liabilities; HB 33 by Rep.
Phillip DeVillier would create more educational choice (similar bills: HB 194,
HB 227); HB 37
by McCormick would allow for open carry of firearms (similar bill: SB 143); HB 43 by Frieman
would buttress Second Amendment protections; HB 47 by Rep.
Kathy Edmonston would inform parents better about child immunization rights; HB 53 by
Frieman would amend the Constitution to make health care autonomy a right (similar
bills: HB 232, HB 253, HB 354, HB 596); HB 75 by Rep.
Lance Harris would increase transparency of school instructional materials
(similar bills: HB 356, HB 369, HB 453, HB 787); HB 80 by Rep.
Rick Edmonds would create a buffer of savings for state spending; HB 117 by
Rep. Mike Echols would improve health care outcomes by preventing discrimination
of off-label drug prescribing by professionals; HB 166 by
Rep. Gregory Miller would amend the Constitution to clarify timing of gubernatorial
vetoes; HB 178
by Rep. Debbie Vilio would amend the Constitution to clarify the
unconstitutional status of local governments allowing noncitizens to vote in
their elections; HB 181 by
Rep. Paul Hollis would create incentives for traffic systems that put safety
rather than revenue-generating first; HB 185 by
Rep. Charles Owen buttresses the right of expression on higher education campuses;
HB 202 by
Rep. Mike Johnson would provide more information about spending on behalf of
political candidates; HB 269 by
Nelson would improve child reading ability; HB 279 by
Rep. Valarie Hodges would promote election security (similar bills: HB 559, SB
350); HB 359
by Rep. Beau Beaullieu would improve elections oversight; HB 364 by
Rep. Scott McKnight would enhance higher education student protections; HB 396 by
Rep. Beryl Amedee would strengthen oversight of food stamps; HB 401 by
Hodges would strengthen history and civics education; HB 407 by
Amedee would ensure better safe vaccines be added to those required for school
attendance; HB
412 by Rep. Jonathan Goudeau would provide better oversight of unemployment
compensation; HB
428 by Amedee would prevent education agencies from opining on medical requirements;
HB 436 by
Rep. Phillip Tarver would provide a rebate to most state taxpayers; HB 438 by
Rep. Tony Bacala would shave slightly the temporary sales tax; HB 455 by
Rep. Buddy Mincey would increase the pool of teachers; HB 461 by Rep.
Edmond Jordan would abolish mayor’s courts; HB 494 by
Rep. Troy Romero would increase microbrewery sales marketing (similar bill: HB
554); HB 500
by Bacala would provide greater oversight on bail proceedings; HB 526 by
Edmonds would increase school fiscal accountability; HB 544 by
Vilio would create additional crime deterrence; HB 570 by Foy
Gadberry would prevent mutilation of children; HB 618 by
Nelson would require schools to facilitate meetings and recruitment by federally-defined
patriotic organizations; HB 655 by
Rep. Jean-Paul Coussan would bring regulation to large solar farms; HB 663 by
Frieman would stop having government serve as dues collector for professional
organizations; HB
716 by McCormick would reduce taxes related to energy extraction; HB 747 by
Rep. Ray Garofalo would prohibit employing harmful stereotypes as instructional
material; HB
800 by Rep. Larry Bagley would prohibit most abortions when a fetal
heartbeat is detected.
SB 1 by Sen.
Patrick McMath would amend the Constitution to prevent discrimination by
vaccination status (similar bills: HB 54; HB 177, HB 531, HB 535, SB 11, SB 37,
SB 58, SB 92, SB 141); SB 4 by Sen.
Jay Morris would amend the Constitution to enhance using bail to improve community
safety and court appearances (similar bill: SB 89); SB 29 by Sen.
Stewart Cathey would bolster freedom of medical treatment by and speech rights
of health care professionals; SB 44 by Sen.
Beth Mizell would prevent discrimination against females in intercollegiate and
scholastic sports; SB 56 by Sen.
Bodi White would create a fund for future years’ use from excess federal grant
monies (similar bill: SB 321); SB 104 by
Mizell would prevent health care institution confiscation of communication
devices; SB
112 by Sen. Robert Mills would expedite insurance payments from preauthorized
health care interventions; SB 144 by
Robert Mills would increase ballot security; SB 153 by
Robert Mills would ensure fair compensation for use of water resources (similar
bill: SB 351); SB
226 by Sen. Heather Cloud would provide for better enforcement of election
offenses; SB
227 by Sen. Barry Milligan would increase oversight of foreign influence over
higher education; SB 258 by Sharon
Hewitt would make for a more balanced emergency election plan process (similar
bills: HB 685, HB 701); SB 292 by
Hewitt would mandate legislative approval of greenhouse gas regulations; SB 354 by
Cathey would prevent local governments from attenuating consumer choice in
energy provision; SB 375 by
Sen. Barrow Peacock would transfer gradually avails from the temporary sales
tax increase to roads construction; SB 383 by
Peacock would reduce deceptive attorney advertising; SB 387 by
Morris would ensure legal enforcement when district attorneys fail in their
duties; SB 388
by Hewitt would prohibit sale of chemicals and their use by those not a
physician to induce abortion.
THE BAD: HB 9 by Hollis
would moot the benefits of homeowners’ associations; HB 106 by
Rep. Kyle Green would reduce public safety by eliminating the death penalty
(similar bill: SB 294); HB 125 by
Rep. Candace Newell would make legal cannabis sales and distribution to most of
the public (similar bill: HB 430); HB 132 by
Green would name a state bridge after a convicted felon; HB 161 by
Rep. Rodney Lyons would allow legislators to have more luxurious office space
at taxpayer expense; HB 175 by
Rep. Mandie Landry would discourage personal responsibility among inmates; HB 183 by
Rep. Jason Hughes discourages higher education student responsibility; HB 190 by
Rep. Travis Johnson makes it easier to hoot up under the guise of medicine; HB 195 by
Rep. Aimee Freeman adds unnecessary expenses for schools; HB 205 by
Rep. Stuart Bishop would lengthen legislative term limits; HB 206 by
Green would remove information on ballots for judicial elections; HB 209 by
Landry would allow local governments to override more effective state crime
policy; HB 219
by Green would impose the flawed comparable worth doctrine onto state government
salaries; HB
229 by Green would amend the Constitution to establish a job-killing state
minimum wage (similar bills: HB 472, SB 269); HB 254 by
Green would raise campaign contribution limits for local offices when these
should be abolished; HB 259 by
Rep. Tanner Magee would set in motion an elitist constitutional convention; HB 271 by Hughes
would grant compulsory post-conviction relief to those convicted by
non-unanimous juries (similar bill: HB 577); HB 298 by Jordan
would remove reasonable rehabilitation methods for the incarcerated; HB 303 by
Freeman would regulate too heavily landlords by adding tenant behavior unrelated
to the First Amendment as a protected class (similar bill: HB 665); HB 308 by
Rep. Patrick Jefferson would increase unwisely minimum unemployment benefits (similar
bill: HB 506); HB
352 by Landry would add unnecessary taxpayer expenses to elections; HB 363 by
Rep. Marcus Bryant would dilute education accountability (similar bill: HB 536);
HB 391 by
Bryant would increase dramatically higher education costs with no value added; HB 493 by Travis
Johnson would expand gambling; HB 498 by
Green would amend the Constitution to create a semi-permanent legislature; HB 557 by
Rep. Matthew Willard would expand unnecessarily Medicaid coverage to
contraceptives; HB
562 by Rep. Cedric Glover would amend the Constitution to create an unaccountable
yet biased reapportionment process; HB 605 by
Landry would use public funds to entice violation of the religious freedom of
health care providers; HB 649 by
Rep. Stephanie Hilferty would ban corporal punishment; HB 657 by
Rep. Daryl Deshotel would discourage employment; HB 675 by
Jordan would remove a source of borrowing from high-risk borrowers; HB 678 by
Rep. Chad Brown would make more intrusive the bad fiscal practice of state
taxpayers paying salaries of local judicial and law enforcement officers; HB 681 by
Speaker Clay Schexnayder would streamline sales tax collection at the state level;
HB 688 by
Rep. Tammy Phelps would create a cumbersome teacher sabbatical rejection appeal
process; HB
702 by Jordan would alter too vaguely the doctrine of qualified immunity; HB 707 by Rep.
Royce Duplessis would remove individual initiative from expungement; HB 720 by
Rep. Randal Gaines would create too lax rules for elections affected by a declared
emergency; HB
722 by Jordan would create too difficult deadlines for pretrial activities
by prosecutors; HB
774 by Glover would allow blanket expungement of marijuana possession
convictions; HB
778 by Glover too intrusively regulates hydraulic fracturing; HB 779 by
Glover would require schools instruct about extremely peripheral and
uninfluential historical figures of the American south; HB 782 by Phelps
would create a too intrusive process for appointing school principals; HB 794 by Jordan
would provide for a wasteful solar-related credit (similar bills: HB 806, HB
SB 20 by Sen.
Cleo Fields would create too great of a regulatory burden on chemical manufacturers;
SB 24 by
Fields would create an unnecessary expenditure of state taxpayer dollars on local
education employees; SB 37 by
Fields would create an unnecessary and costly mandate on school districts; SB 155 by
Sen. Patrick Connick would limit unwisely consumer choice in use of bagging
material for purchased items; SB 184 by
Sen. Gerald Boudreaux would reduce incentives for recipients to move off cash
welfare; SB
187 by Sen. Patrick McMath would have state taxpayers further contribute to
covering local government fiscal responsibilities; SB 201 by
Sen. Katrina Jackson would increase unnecessarily public defense costs (similar
bill: SB 202); SB
221 by Jackson would weaken criminal deterrence; SB 236 by
Jackson would increase unnecessarily taxpayer costs for school meals; SB 248 by
Sen. Jay Luneau would circumscribe too trivially employer hiring options (similar
bill: HB 487); SB
256 by Sen. Regina Barrow would excuse certain bad behavior by students relative
to suspension; SB
289 by Barrow would add a needless employer expense for paid sick leave; SB 327 by
Sen. Gary Carter would create an overbroad procedure to seize legally-possessed
arms; SB 334
by Jackson would allow for too easy expungement of politician malfeasance
convictions; SB
343 by Carter would add needless expense to election conduct; SB 358 by
Jackson would create and apply an overbroad definition of bullying in
restricting student behavior.